
A World-Class Music by Gladiee – Composer, Pianist, Guitarist,
Songwriter and Producer of 'The Anthem of New York City'.

     This is it, where your heart meets your soul in order to heal and harmonize your tormented peace of mind. Soulful music has a magical way of touching our hearts and resonating with our emotions. Whether you’re looking for timeless classics or contemporary soul, here are some soulful tracks that’ll transport you to a place where your heart and soul find their perfect harmony and peace!
– Gladiee


     Experiencing new music genre can be a delightful journey. This new cutting-edge sound of music is a result of passion, hard work and deep love for what Gladiee does today, after 12 years of rigorous musical education and four decades of direct experimentation and research across various music styles, instruments and western music driven compositions. In addition, this new style can incorporate elements of many different musical genres, including classical, jazz, rock, world music and others. So go ahead, dive into the world of new tunes and endless music ideas with an experience of a modern approach to contemporary classical music worldwide.








     Gladiee’s music transcends boundaries and touches our hearts. With a rich background spanning piano, guitar, and performance, he brings a unique blend of technical mastery and soulful expression to every note. Through his entrepreneurial ventures keep him busy, Gladiie’s true calling remains sharing the power of music to transcend boundaries and touch the human heart and soul. A true maestro who chooses purpose over fame.


     Vladiee Rudakoff, better known by his stage name Gladiee. He is an Ukrainian American musician, composer and songwriter. At the beginning of his music career he was a touring session musician for the military troops in Olomouc city in the Eastern province of Moravia in the Czech Republic from 1979 until the end of his contract in 1981. Later Gladiee signed up as a keyboardist and lead guitarist for the rock band “TAXI” in Kyiv, Ukraine from 1982 until their breakup in 1987.




     Gladiee was born in April 1960 in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. He grew up in a family deeply rooted in the performing arts. His father, a professional concert accordionist, performed with the national radio and television choir, bringing music into Gladiee’s life from a very young age. His mother, a circus acrobat, was celebrated for her dexterity and grace, adding a unique element of performance artistry to the family’s talents. Their paths crossed while they were both appearing on the same concert program, marking the beginning of a family legacy rich in artistic pursuits. He was the youngest of four children of Ivan and Nadiya Rudakoff. The Rudakoff family was a humble one of modest means, but never lacked for love. The entire family of six shared the same passion: music.



     At the age of seven, Gladiee’s introduction to music began with classical piano training. From a tender age, he demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for music. Under the guidance of renowned maestro and professional piano tutor Alla L. Suslova, Gladiee spent seven years honing his skills on the piano. Suslova’s rigorous training laid a solid foundation for his musical journey, instilling in him a deep understanding of classical music principles and techniques.



     After graduating from piano school in 1974, Gladiee’s musical interests took a new direction. He found himself irresistibly drawn to the classical guitar. The instrument’s expressive range and the intricate beauty of its repertoire captivated him. Pursuing this newfound passion, he enrolled in a prestigious academy where he would spend the next half decade refining his craft.
     At the academy, Gladiee had the privilege of studying under several esteemed guitar maestros. Sergey N. Samotkin, known for his technical prowess and pedagogical skill, played a crucial role in Gladiee’s early guitar education. Gladiee also received instruction from Usup Uldashev, whose reputation as an enormously respected and gifted guitarist preceded him. Tatiana B. Vasilieva, another notable mentor, contributed significantly to Gladiee’s development, helping him master the nuances of classical guitar performance.



     Through years of dedicated practice and study, Gladiee emerged as a proficient classical guitarist and pianist. His rigorous training under such distinguished instructors endowed him with a comprehensive understanding of the instruments and its repertoire. Gladiee’s performances began to attract attention, and he quickly built a reputation for his technical skill and expressive interpretations. He masterfully creates tension and conflict within a melody, only to resolve them in a satisfying conclusion. This bold technique can profoundly influence the listener’s mood. The unpredictability of his chord progressions and melodies can evoke powerful emotional responses and even affect our heartbeat. Gladiee’s music has the power to transport our imaginations through time. His unique, undulating style allows the brain ample time to absorb and process each musical phrase. The diversity and appeal of his catchy phrases invite us on a deep inner journey in search of harmony and peace.



     Gladiee’s journey from a young piano student in Kyiv to a celebrated classical guitarist is a testament to his passion, dedication, and the rich musical heritage of his family. His career not only reflects his personal achievements but also honors the artistic traditions passed down by his parents. As a performer and musician, Gladiee continues to inspire and influence the world of classical music, leaving a lasting impact on audiences and aspiring musicians alike.



     After immigrating to the US, Gladiee has become an accomplished tech entrepreneur, yet his true passion remains the stage – captivating audiences worldwide with his soulful, emotive playing that transcends genres and cultures. Classically trained in piano and guitar, this Kyiv-born virtuoso brings a lifetime of musical mastery to the United States in 1990, with his wife, son and daughter. Based primarily in New York City, he has become something of an “internet baron” and computer sciences specialist. In the midst of that, however, he has continued adding more tools to his musical toolbox.
     For more than two years Gladiee taught (under the auspices of the U.S. government) advanced and practical guitar to Americans and various other nationalities. It is not often that a man trained in classical piano and classical guitar in the Soviet Union will end up teaching Spanish, Turkish, and Korean speaking students in English, while being paid by the U.S. government. Music really does cross all boundaries doesn’t it?
     Gladiee has played various instruments in his church’s worship team, including the bass guitar. Often, he and his band, have played together for audiences of up to 1,200 people. They have also lent their talents to playing for plays and other special events of note.



     Vladiee earned his stage name “Gladiee” from his musician colleagues, who were always glad to see him. The nickname “Gladiee” emerged as a playful word from Vladiee to Gladiee and affectionate way to express their appreciation for his presence. In the words of his colleagues, “This is a man who could and should be a world renowned musician, if he wanted the fame. Instead, he left Ukraine for America, and focused on business and computer science. Fortunately, the music is in him, and no other vocation could pull him very far away. Whether leading worship teams, performing for large crowds with Judy Kang Trio , or sharing his talents in plays and special events.



     Gladiee’s biography is a compelling narrative of transformation and artistic mastery, chronicling his evolution from a young piano prodigy to a distinguished classical guitarist. His life stands as a powerful testament to unwavering dedication and the profound impact of a robust artistic foundation. Throughout his illustrious music career, Gladiee’s deep-seated passion for music has propelled him on an extraordinary journey from the dynamic stages of Kyiv to the renowned concert halls of New York City. In addition to his classical endeavors, Gladiee has showcased his musical versatility by performing with Elvin A. Cartagena’s Latin Rock Band. His vibrant presence has energized a multitude of venues, including prestigious night clubs throughout New York City, where he skillfully merges his rich musical heritage with modern sounds, captivating audiences with his mesmerizing performances. Despite his business engagements, Gladiee’s foremost passion remains the sharing of music’s unique ability to transcend cultural boundaries and profoundly touch the human spirit. His enduring contributions to contemporary classical music are significant, ensuring that his legacy as a transformative musician continues to flourish.
Gladiee: World-Class Composer, Songwriter and Producer.